Book cover of Perpetual Circadian Rhythm by Jared Griffin

Perpetual Circadian Rhythm

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154 pages

Added: Sat Apr 06 2024

ISBN: 979-8989301218


Art Omari was your above-average intelligence senior in high school—with a few extra points in wittiness, some missing from motivation, and none in humility or tact. Now, a brain ailment devours his memories, and he just wants everyone—including himself—to pretend nothing is wrong. Unfortunately, his mental health is deteriorating too quickly to be discreet. But with such a gorgeous woman as his guide, how can he resist their maze of self-discovery? That’s how he falls into Claire’s excessively fiery and curious hands. Putting your life together is hard when experiences fall through your fingers like sand. No matter how hard Art tries to force the pieces together, they blow away with the wind, never to be recovered. That doesn't mean he can't analyze the man behind his mask. Or that he'll like the answers he finds.

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