Book cover of Against The Commissar by James Mullins

Against The Commissar

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313 pages

Added: Wed Apr 17 2024

ISBN: 979-8569726370


Invaded by four Soviet armies, and Outnumbered more than ten to one by world’s best equipped modern military, the Finnish Army is in big trouble. Can the Finns stop the Red Army, once they fall back to the Mannerheim Line? Or will the Soviet Bear continue to push on into the heart of the small Nordic Nation and put an end to their freedom under the unforgiving boot Communism? Trapped between the Soviet’s Union’s 19th Rifle Core and the Commissar’s pursuing forces, Hale must lead the surviving members of his family on a desperate quest. His mission, lead his family through thousands of enemy soldiers and into the safety of Finnish lines. Success means safety for his family, and returning to the task his deceased commander assigned him, Stopping the invader. Hale’s goal, the Finnish line, is being pushed further and further away as the invading juggernaut drives deeper into his homeland. With hope fading, he’ll receive help from an unexpected quarter. Will it be enough to save Hale and those he holds dearest, or will they be lost amidst the carnage of Karelia? At stake, the lives of his mother, sister, wife, and unborn child. Failure means the loss of those he holds dearest and possibly the entire country.

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