Book cover of The Holiday Match by Tori Samuels

The Holiday Match

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348 pages

Added: Mon Mar 11 2024

ISBN: 979-8358256972


After a bad breakup with his ex, Richard has no choice but to return to his hometown Bolton. Being home for the holidays should be comforting, but when Richard runs into his middle school crush, Allison, he can’t decipher how he feels about his return. Caught in a battle of emotions trying to get over the traumas of his past relationship and what’s transpiring between him and Allison, things aren’t as simple as he’d like. His Ex's parting wasn’t mutual and she left him with a holiday present, a fake application for the town’s Secret Santa dating service. Forced to go through blind dating seems like agony but what’s worse is Allison runs the matchmaking service and the Mystery Girl and him are actually hitting it off. Who will steal Richard’s heart for the Holidays?

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