Book cover of Six Days Till Sunday by Fred Gaertner

Six Days Till Sunday

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310 pages

Added: Tue Mar 19 2024

ISBN: 978-1413488166


In the Kingdom of Verde on Earth's sister planet of Aumni, sixty million blacks enslave twenty million whites, creating an economic imbalance between Verde and the other seven kingdoms (the Allies) who have NO slave labor to bolster THEIR economies. Verde has built up an enormous military power to protect its "way of life," the institution of slavery within its borders. At great cost to their economies, the Allies have countered by building an equivalent military force to protect the freedom of whites living within THEIR borders. Both sides are fully armed with nuclear weapons, and no one doubts that an all-out war would terminate human life on this beautiful two-mooned planet of Aumni. Aaron seeks to convert Prince Vada (soon to be King of Verde) from pro-slave to abolitionist. To achieve this crucial goal, he convinces Vada to translate to Earth and experience life as a bondsman in America's Southland of 1855. ... What will be the outcome?

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