Book cover of Resigned by Jared Griffin


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339 pages

Added: Sat Apr 06 2024

ISBN: 979-8989301201


Mr. Red was a twenty-four-year-old office worker with a loving girlfriend. He always thought life was about getting a nice job and making a family. Life took both opportunities but provided him with a better one in return: Allow Mr. Green to drag him through all kinds of high-octane adventures. Mr. Red spends so much time in over his head that he should've drowned long ago. Everywhere they go tries to kill him, and the one place that doesn’t wants him to do the deed himself. He'd be lying if he said he’d never considered the act between all the risky endeavors, morally compromising situations, and heart-rending failure—but if he did, who would put a certain gorgeous (yet aggressive) cagefighter's career back together? Resigned is a story of figuratively and literally beating the odds and rolling with the punches (and kicks). The heart of the tale is Mr. Red’s perilous journey to self-actualization. CW: Violence and gore, mental health and addiction, and sex. No, there are no rock stars.

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